Which are the Best Flutter Widgets for App Development in 2022?

Top 10 flutter widgets for app development in 2022

It isn’t elementary to imagine having applications without coding. But now, it is possible. Wondering how! Then your answer is the Flutter widgets. Flutter has a vast collection of widgets that makes your apps more sustainable. Flutter widgets can create high-quality web, mobile, and desktop apps.

Flutter widgets have become so popular due to their highly customizable flexibility and fluidity, which is suitable for any mobile app. Flutter UI widgets are optimized for high performance. These elements of widgets are arranged in the form of a widget tree. It will define the procedure of a frontend native apps screen, and its central part of Flutter widgets is the configuration and widget state.

We at Bosc Tech Labs will help you select the best Flutter widgets that are useful in creating Flutter apps and will make your development process easy.

What are Flutter widgets?

Flutter is a mobile application development platform utilized to create cross-platform app development. The significant component of Flutter is the rich set of widgets, a set of building blocks that will make it appealing and engaging.

Rather than coding for UI, you can use Flutter widgets which will app you to build the app’s layout in Flutter. In the Flutter widget, everything is formulated inside each other. These widgets are similar to web UI elements of CSS classes or HTML divs. The ready-made widgets create your app’s UI, such as text fields, buttons, and tables.

In the Flutter framework, there are mostly two types of widgets. They are:

1. Stateful widget
2. Stateless widget

Based on these primary two widgets, we have categorized the 14 various widgets in Flutter, they are:

1. Motion and animation
2. Cupertino widget
3. Interaction models
4. Painting and effects
5. Scrolling
6. Text
7. Accessibility
8. Basics
9. Async
10. Styling
11. Input
12. Assets, icons, and images
13. Layout
14. Material components

Moreover, you can see that each of these widgets has a functional implementation in the process of mobile app development. Let’s take a look at Flutter widgets.

Flutter widgets2
Flutter widgets2

1. Constrained Box

ConstarinedBox is an in-built widget that is in the Flutter SDK implementation. The primary use of these widgets is to add limitations in the size of the child widgets. The Flutter developers can add flexibility concerned with the child widget’s height and width.

But, this widget has some restrictions when the child widget is more prominent in size than the container. It will cut down the view of the child and will build the front end look out of line. Hence, this problem is not resolved by not defining the maxHeigjht property and adjusting it to by default value of double.infinity method.

2. SafeArea

It is a great widget to create a dynamic and adaptive UI. It supports adjusting the screen with the different devices that vary in height and width. It will aid in overcoming area constraints created by the status bar, navigation bar, etc. This widget did not allow the design to overlay any areas with its frontend UI visibility constraint and will make them error-free.

Therefore, a safe area widget is also known as a padding widget because it adds padding to an android and iOS app whenever there is a constraint.

3. Text

Text Widget in the Flutter displays a string with a single line. Hence, the Flutter experts can view the string by breaking them into multiple lines or display them in a single line based on the layout constraints. If any text styles are not defined, then it will select DefaultTextStyle.

4. Column

The column widget is used to create a flexible layout. As its name suggests, it is used to view the children’s widget in a vertical format. It is one of the essential widgets in developing the UI in Flutter apps.

5. Row

The row widget is flexible and displays the children in a horizontal format. Likewise, the arrow widget didn’t scroll because it is considered an error and has more children than the available space in the row. However, the content in the row is easily aligned with the mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment as a mainAxis, whereas the row is horizontal and crossAxis is vertical.

Also Read: Flutter Vs React Native – From Developer Point Of View??

6. FittedBox

It is the responsive Flutter widget and will help you induce responsiveness to the single child assigned to it.

You must add the row widget as the child in the particular widget of the Fittedbox. A row widget itself has the two containers as the children. In that situation, a second child will overflow to one side, but this issue has been resolved with the FittedBox widget.

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7. Opacity

This widget is used to create the child internally in the container transparent. It will temporarily change the child in the intermediate buffer and make them transparent. Therefore, if the space remains, you can rearrange it or leave it as a space.

8. Wrap

A wrap widget is utilized to wrap the children either vertically or horizontally. For example, if you have multiple widgets and you wish to use them in the column or row, then you can utilize the wrap widget, which will protect your data from being clipped.

You can give the name in any direction, i.e., vertical or horizontal, based on the application’s front end, which you need in your app. It will also help you define a space between two or more widgets.

A FittedBox widget is also used to scale and position the child widget inside a parent widget. The UI, created with the FittedBox, is clean and dynamic. You can also use FittedBox Class and enter into the child widget with the FittedBox widget.

Also Read: Flutter – BoxShadow Widget

9. FloatingActionButton

Every Flutter programmer has vast expertise in making FloatingActionButton in Flutter app development. However, a hover action button draws attention to a specific element of the app content. FloatingActionButton is the major of a Scaffold widget.

10. Numeric Keyboard

It is great for the developers as it has finished developing the customized number pad in the application. You can use the Numeric keyboard widget without an iOS or Android Package.


This blog has helped you in many ways, as you will get the necessary list of Flutter widgets used in app development. You can get in touch with us for any Flutter app development services. One of our experts will connect with you as early as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the role of the widget in the Flutter application?

The widget is the element of the graphical user interface (GUI) which will view the data or give a particular way for the user to interact with an OS or application.

2. What is the primary benefit of using widgets?

The most crucial advantage of widgets is that it is easy to use. With the help of basic knowledge, you can upgrade the functionality of your website and improve user experience without much design.

3. How many types of widgets are available?

Usually, there are four kinds of widgets: collection widgets, information widgets, hybrid widgets, and control widgets.

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