What is Showcaseview In Flutter?

ShowCaseView is a simple and reliable package allowing identifying the different features of the application. The basic use of the ShowCaseView package consists of the target element. These can be easily passed with inputs that are highlighted on the translucent background. It is easier to pass the custom widget in ShowCaseView.

Adding ShowCaseWidget

Normally, the ShowCaseWidget widget is one of the amazing UI applications allowing the user to easily gain more advanced features. These involve various methods for decreasing grating features as well as showcasing parts of your application. It is quite useful when the user launches an application interestingly.

The assistance of the Showcase and ShowCaseWidget widget can be added using the Flutter application development. This Flutter package allows highlighting or showcasing the widget in much.

Below are the certain unused parameters of Showcase.withWidget() that are mentioned below:

  • Alignment
  • text style
  • description
  • description alignment
  • TextStyle
  • Color
  • tooltip background colour
  • tooltipBorderRadius
  • tooltipPadding

The above showcase has many fundamental features of the applications. The well-known Flutter widgets has the component of features when the user clicks the screen. These are introduced in predefined requests.

Below are the steps to install the widget so you can add a dependency to pubspec.yaml. It is quite an efficient option for getting the latest version for the ‘Installing’ tab in the pub.dev. Importing the package allows you to enable

Import 'package:showcaseview/showcaseview.dart';
Adding a ShowCaseWidget widget
  builder: Builder(
builder : (context)=> Somewidget()

It is a suitable option for adding the showcase widget. You can start the ShowCaseView by building the UI. Implementing the Showcase in the Flutter is quite an easier process.

These would show the better work for using the showcase view package on Flutter applications. It also showcases when the user presses on the screen or runs the app. The showcase also starts instantly on its main page. These are shown on the device in a more effective manner.

WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) =>
ShowCaseWidget.of(context).startShowCase([_one, _two, _three])

What Are The Functions Of Showcasewidget.of(Context):

Scrolling the widget helps to attach the widget tree along with the screen. It especially uses the scroll view for rendering the widget on demand. These are possible with widget showcasing applied, so they are not attached to the widget tree.

Flutter could not scroll the widget accordingly. Below is the list of functions that are involved in the ShowCaseWidget.of(context)

  • startShowCase(List)
  • – Starting the showcase

  • next()
  • – Starts next showcase

  • previous()
  • – Starts the previous showcase

  • dismiss()

– Dismisses all showcases

Scrolling To Active Showcase:

Normally, the Auto Scrolling feature is available to active showcases, so they render the widget on demand(ex, ListView, GridView). Making the scroll view containing fewer numbers of children widget also prefers to choose SingleChildScrollView.

It is quite a convenient option for assigning the ScrollController when using the SingleChildScrollView. These provide the manual scrolling option along with the positions.
The showcase widget automatically increases the rendering facility. It allows adding the code with the onStart method for ShowCaseWidget.

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What Are Its Parameters?

Showcase view in Flutter involves various parameters, and some of them are listed below

1. animationDuration:

The animationDuration is a common parameter that is used for finding duration for animating parameters of containers. This parameter represents an important difference from one point in time to another.

2. Key:

The key is a parameter used for unique GlobalKey, and these are helpful for identifying the features showcased.

3. Child:

Child parameter is useful for a widget that can add a child with these. It is also convenient to have a layout for multiple children by adding widgets like Rows, Columns, or Stack. It is equipped with children’s property, and they provide children with widgets.

4. Description:

The description is one of the parameters which display the string on the showcased feature.

5. Constructor:

You can call the constructor underneath for utilizing the Showcase.

How To Add A Showcase View In Flutter?

Normally, there are many strategies involved with adding the Showcase view in Flutter. It is one of the amazing views suitable for gaining better UI designs. below are the steps for adding the ShowCaseView in Flutter

1. Step 1: Implementation of Showcase view in Flutter

Add the dependencies using the pubspec — YAML file
SDK: flutter
showcaseview: ^1.1.6

2. Step 2: Enable Assets

Enable the assets to pubspec — yaml file.
– assets/

3. Step 3: Process For Making Quick Import

import 'package:showcaseview/showcaseview.dart';

Step 4: Install Flutter packages

Install the Flutter packages to get the root directory present in the app. It is convenient to implement them in the code respectively. Creating the new dart file called main. dart is essential for the lib folder.

Implementing the showcase for individual widgets is quite an efficient option. You can wrap the game, allowing you to gain a Showcase view in Flutter. It is enabled by setting the builder parameter. These contain the Builder widget for returning ShowcaseDemo.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    title: 'Flutter ShowCase Demo',   
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
    home: Scaffold(
body: ShowCaseWidget(
builder: Builder(builder: (context) => const ShowcaseDemo()),

The ShowCaseWidget involves knowing the widget for showcasing. It will be suitable for making the key added to the widget. There are five widgets for bringing consideration for the user with arriving along ShowcaseDemo.

startShowCase involves various strategies in the initiation of the ShowcaseDemo. It is convenient to put the strategy calling inside the callback function.

The callback function also gives the WidgetsBinding.instance and addPostFrameCallback(). It is also guaranteed that everything is executed accurately for building the feature.

You can run the application by enabling the showcase to begin with the page build. These can be done by tapping the showcase button.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
    key: _scaffoldKey,

Also Read: How To Export Fonts From Package In Flutter?

First Showcase

Showcase is added on AppBar. It is quite a convenient option for adding the description, child and key. The child is involved with adding the appropriate button. You can also add onPressed and an icon along with it.


leading: Showcase(
  key: _first,
description: 'Press here to open drawer', 
  child: IconButton(
    onPressed: () {
    icon: const Icon(Icons.menu),

Run this application to get the screen’s output such as the underneath screen capture, along with many more. These are effective in displaying the complete packages to the extent.

Second Showcase

The Second Showcase involves adding the app bar title along with the description, child and key. It is quite convenient to add the text “Flutter Showcase Demo” in a child. Adding the string called “This is a demo app title” can be added along with a description.

title: Showcase(
    key: _second,
description: 'This is a demo app title',
    child: const Text('Flutter Showcase Demo')),

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The above article explains Showcase’s basic structure in a Flutter. It is easier to modify this code based on your requirement. It is an introduction and implementation of the Showcase view in Flutter.

By reading the above article, you have a clear idea about the showcase view in Flutter; you can hire Flutter developers from us and get the following best Flutter-app-related projects that will handle all the complicated tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to use the showcase view in android development?

You can view the new and latest feature on the third view with the library. Flow is: The first app is opened, the second and third item is clicked, and after that, Showcase is displayed. After this scenario, your user can modify the view through the back or bottom button.

2. Which pattern is considered the best for Flutter development?

The repository pattern is helpful for all Flutter experts in learning how to organize their code in a better and more manageable way.

3. Which server is best for Flutter app development?

Firebase is the Google-powered back-end service that works efficiently as the Flutter server-side. This platform gives various development tools which work on both mobile and web development. It is well-known for the JSON-enabled NoSQL database, which stores and syncs the data in real time.

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