Hire React Developer

Hire React Developer

You’re at the perfect place if you want to hire developers that have mastered the React.Js platform

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Championed by brands

Highly skilled React developers

We have a pool of ReactJS developers who excel at creating interactive and user-centric web apps for exception performance. With effortless deployment, we help you lower your project’s total cost, save time and resources. Looking for next-gen front-end framework for development, support and maintenance? Our developers do not just deliver web apps but cross-platform solutions.

Unmatched performance

Unmatched performance

Build blazing-fast, interactive web apps that exceed user expectations.

Reduced costs & time

Reduced costs & time

Effortlessly deploy and streamlines your workflow, saving resources and budget.

Next-gen solutions

Next-gen solutions

Our ReactJS developers create future-proof web and cross-platform applications.

Pixel-perfect UIs

Pixel-perfect UIs

Deliver exceptional user experiences with stunning and functional interfaces.

React Services

Hire dedicated React developers: Our services

Realize your web vision with our React JS expertise. Get interactive and visually stunning user interfaces that are adorned by your audience and help you achieve your business goals.

React Services
Custom Web Application
Custom Web Application

Succinctly developed and super-customized web applications developed flawlessly

UI/UX Design and Development
UI/UX Design and Development

Super-smooth, extra-functional UI/UX utilizing React.js

React Component Library Development
React Component Library Development

Obtain reusable and customizable React component libraries

Performance Optimization
Performance Optimization

Optimizing React applications, peak performance being the end goal

Migration and Upgrade Services
Migration and Upgrade Services

Migrating web apps to React.js and upgrading to older versions

Consultation and Training
Consultation and Training

Advising clients regarding the industry best practices

our work process

React developer hire process

Take a look at how we design our succinct interfaces that are catered to your target audience. From research all the way to implementation, view the steps needed for an effective UI/UX.

1 Project pre-requisites STEP 1

Project pre-requisites

Basic project understanding for suggesting relevant profiles.

2 Telephonic interview STEP 2

Telephonic interview

Preliminary screening done through telephonic interviews.

3 Evaluate portfolio STEP 3

Evaluate portfolio

Evaluate the profiles through assessments and tests.

4 Contract finalization STEP 4

Contract finalization

Finalize the contract, time and budget.

Get your custom, user-friendly React apps built by the best in the business.

Contact Us
Tech stacks

The tech that powers you

Take a look at what powers us and you, both at the same time

CSS-in-JS Libraries
CSS-in-JS Libraries

Libraries like styled-components and Emotion allows writing CSS directly in your JavaScript code, making it easier to manage styles for React components.

Routing Libraries
Routing Libraries

React Router is a widely-used routing library for React apps. It allows defining routes and navigation within you application.


A popular front-end framework that provides pre-designed CSS and JavaScript components for building responsive and mobile-first web applications

Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework that offers a set of pre-defined utility classes for styling elements. It provides a highly customized approach to UI design.

Bosc Tech Saga

Sail through the successful technological marvels in our expansive project portfolio

Each Bosc Tech project is a testament to innovation, precision and client satisfaction. Browse through our intricately worked project portfolio to witness just what you are looking for - innovation, precision, and unwavering satisfaction. Discover, Engage, and Be Amazed!


HipSmile has been developed for the reason of establishing a special bond through facilitating communication between receivers and donors.

Tech Stack

  • flutter
  • firebase

Supported Devices

  • android
  • apple
Read More Read More

Business Standard

The development of the BSmart app aimed to fill in the gap between B-school curriculum and the demands of the corporate world.

Tech Stack

  • flutter
  • Node
  • mysql
  • React

Supported Devices

  • android
  • apple
  • desktop
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Lumin The Ultimate Gaming App

Lumin : The Ultimate Gaming App

Gaming the way it should be, Social. Ever hit a 1 in a million shot or pulled off a nail biting win and wished there was an easy way to share that moment.

Tech Stack

  • flutter
  • Node
  • mysql

Supported Devices

  • android
  • apple
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Medication Management

Medication Management App developed by United Medical Equipment Business Solutions Network, Inc. is an essential application for all health care professionals, caregivers, students, and family members, providing direct and indirect patient care and education.

Tech Stack

  • flutter
  • Java
  • spring
  • MongoDB

Supported Devices

  • android
  • apple
Read More Read More

Kudos from Clients

Nicholas Lavis
Co-Founder, Lumin
star star star star star

The amazing team to work with, and they provided us with great results. We’re thrilled with the on-time launch of our app’s beta version by the team, which significantly addressed our initial backlog and exceeded expectations. Their proactive project management and impressive quality of deliverables left us and our stakeholders thoroughly impressed.

Samir Lakhani
CEO, Letsplay
star star star star star

This is the 1st time I worked with BOSC Tech Labs, which wasn’t a personal recommendation. They delivered above the expected level. Their one-person team expertly developed an MVP with innovation, significantly boosting customer engagement. Their swift approach & consistent delivery beyond expectations made the project a resounding success.

Brock Bradshaw
Tech Lead, UME
star star star star star

I am satisfied with the way of work. BOSC Tech Labs has remarkably enhanced our proficiency in Flutter software, thanks to their dedicated and transparent approach in education. Their skilled and knowledgeable team has been a standout in our collaborative workflow.

Said Zejjari
CEO, HipMeal & HipSmile
star star star star star

BOSC Tech Labs has very good developers. they have a very broad knowledge. they understood exactly my concept and helped to make it mature. BOSC Tech Labs supported me all the way to production. You can see the final product in the App Store HipMeal.com.
I will keep working with BOSC Tech Labs in the future.

Bojana Miloradovic Parman
Product Development Lead, Airphoto
star star star star star

BOSC Tech has excellent mobile & web app development skills using Flutter technology. BOSCs expertise in Google Cloud & Flutter is remarkable, showcasing their depth of knowledge and versatility. Their team’s communicative & adaptable approach, with outstanding mobile app development skills, made our collaboration seamless.

Let's Tech-talk!

Hire the best of the best React developers now!

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Bosc Tech Metrics

We're delivering digital engineering solutions

Here's a closer look at our quantified tech journey. Through collaborative efforts, we build the framework for success.

Team Members

Team Members

Projects Delivered

Projects Delivered

Client Retention

Client Retention

Years Of Exps

Years Of Exps.

Hiring Process

Hiring Developers

You’re only 4 steps away from augmenting the best developers to your company

Hiring Process
Initial Consultation
Initial Consultation

Scheduling an initial consultation with us is the first step. Together, we discuss your project requirements, and work towards knowing each other well

Developer Matching
Developer Matching

From our firm’s talent pool, you’ll have the liberty to select the best fits for your project needs. Factors such as expertise, experience and availability are paramount

Client Interview
Client Interview

Make an informed decision by interviewing the developer and ask your specific questions around technical skills and communication style.

Onboarding and Project Kickoff
Onboarding and Project Kickoff

Once you select the developers, project kickoff is next. Establish communication channels, define project milestones and outline your expectations

Proven Proficiency

Why choose BOSC Tech’s React developers?

BOSC Tech’s developers are not only maestros of what they do, we go above and beyond when we provide you with exceptional developers who know the industry from the inside out. Our proven track record is a testament to the amount of expertise that we have with developing succinct applications.

Expertise Across Technologies

Our developers have the expertise to tackle any project, big or small. With a diverse team of adept developers, we supercharge your projects.

Proven Track Record

Our track record speaks for itself. Having successfully delivered countless projects spanning various industries, we’ve been tried and tested!

Customized Solutions

Not every project can be made in the same way. We understand that, so we make sure that every project is uniquely customized.

Collaborative Partnerships

Our belief is such that we foster robust and collaborative partnerships with our clients. We work hand-in-hand with them to deliver exceptionally.

Agile Methodologies

Our agile approach to development allows us to adapt swiftly to the ever-changing requirements of clients, enabling us in delivering top-notch solutions.

Transparent Communication

Prioritizing open and transparent communication, we provide regular updates and feedback. This keeps you informed and involved throughout the process.

Hiring models

Choose your
Ideal hiring model

Our hiring models are inherently flexible in nature, so that you can get the right person for the job every single time.

Fixed Cost
Fixed Cost

This model is best suited for short–term assignments or projects requiring specialized expertise. Our part-time professionals flawlessly integrate into your team, helping you meet your project milestones.

Time & Material
Time & Material

Our full-time professionals become a key part of your projects. They understand the project’s intricacies to a great depth, after which they aid in contributing to the project in a holistic manner.

Extended Team
Extended Team

In this model, we provide a dedicated team that functions as a part of your organization. With technical expertise, you’ll also receive strategic insights that propel your project towards success.

we work with

Our tech-magic tree

Blending success through cutting-edge technological endeavors

Angular Angular
JavaScript JavaScript
React React
Vue Vue
Express Express
Java Java
Next Next
Node Node
Android Android
Flutter Flutter
React React
Swift Swift
DynamoDB DynamoDB
Firebase Firebase
MongoDB MongoDB
Oracle Oracle
Partnership Models

Wondering about BOSC Tech’s Synergy Schematics?

Let's build a tech-filled success for your business through dynamic partnerships.

Channel Partnerships

We can explore collaborative agreements so you can work with us to expand the reach of our services.

Learn More Channel Partnerships
Strategic Alliances

If we have common goals, we can get into formal partnerships, resource-sharing, and market expansion.

Learn More Strategic Alliances
Technology Partnerships

How about we co-develop technologies, fostering innovation and enhancing product/service offerings?

Learn More Technology Partnerships
Outsourcing Partnerships

We can collaborate by outsourcing specific tasks or processes to you, leveraging specialized skills and cost efficiencies.

Learn More Outsourcing Partnerships

Frequently Asked Questions

What experience do your React developers have? plus minus

Our React developers are highly skilled with over 10 years of experience, having successfully delivered 250+ client projects globally. They excel in creating interactive and scalable web applications with exceptional performance and user-centric designs.

Do you offer flexible models for hiring developers? plus minus

Yes, we offer flexible hiring models that allow you to choose the perfect fit for your project needs. Whether you need dedicated developers for short-term projects or extended teams for long-term collaboration, we can tailor our services to meet your requirements.

Can your developers work with our existing team or technology stack? plus minus

Absolutely! Our React developers are proficient in integrating seamlessly with your existing team and can adapt to your current technology stack, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

What’s the process for hiring React developers from your firm? plus minus

Our hiring process is streamlined: we start with a consultation to understand your needs, then match you with suitable developers. After selection, we quickly move to onboarding and project kickoff.